July 5th, 2017 Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association (SECA) I was delighted to have the opportunity to be a part of a panel of distinguished professionals (see below) as we discussed the Connected Consumer. Our entire discussion revolved around how consumers today have more access to real time information in every decision that they need…
Category: Industry News
The New Digital-Marketing-Commerce Strategies – where e-Commerce meets e-Business

The new digital-marketing-commerce transformation has being going on for a while. This can be referred to as e-Business or e-Commerce, but the terms are blurring meaning. The consumer/ shopper are central in everything a marketer does. With this in mind there are a number of critical aspects that every digital marketer has to balance and…
Gain a Competitive Advantage Through Digital

How can digital innovation strengthen my position in the market? This is now front of mind for every company on the planet. No matter what industry you are in: agriculture, manufacturing, consumer goods or service, digital innovation is impacting your business. Innovation is either helping you improve and grow your business or not. Many of…
4th Industrial Revolution – Critical Investments for 2017 and beyond!

Well, with the rise of the voice search across the devices, starting with the smartphones and tablets, there might be a possible change occurring…